Founded in 1995, our family owned company was established as a small business project specializing in metallurgy. Since the establishment of our company, it serves the public and the authorities, by covering the entire field of steel processing and structure manufacturing. Our activity mainly unfolds in the company?s fundamental segment, security service, by using mechanical structures and remote monitoring collaborations.

Our project’s aim is to provide more manageable circumstances concerning self-security. Moreover, the target of our company GHI-CSENDES ltd is to make the circumstances of weapon usage safer, complying with the standards of law and instructions. We are developing weapon storages, fill and drain bullet traps, and mobile armories. Our partners? co-operation helps us to serve the orders of public customers and enterprises. Our highlighted partners include the Hungarian Police, law enforcement authorities and many private security- and customer service corporations.

As a result of our dedicated work and the supervision test by the excellent professional team The Hungarian Police, our DAD fill and drain device was granted the authorities by The National Hungarian Police to be used systematically amongst the police.

We honorably recommend you our family?s and company?s slogan,

… Grow up together! …


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